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Benefits of Music.jpg

Music improves your life across all areas: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. You can use music to improve your IQ, increase your income, get a better job, start a new career, better your family's health and relationships.


Music brings daily benefits, from setting up your day for success, getting optimal performance throughout the day, and winding down for rest and rejuvenation.


Here are some links to further learn about the benefits of music:




What's the Right Age to Begin Music Lessons by PBS


Music Education and Brain Development, Math and Spatial Reasoning, Reading and Verbal Skills, Academic Achievement, Social and Emotional Development, and Successful Schools


Students Who Engage in Music Had Higher Average Grades Than Students Who Do Not in Instructional Science


Music Lessons May Boost IQ and Grades by the American Psychological Association


Music Education and Academic Achievement by the National Association for Music Education


Effects of Music Education on the Academic Achievement of Elementary School Students


A Collection of Research on the Value of Music Education


Why America Needs to Continue Funding Music Education in Public Schools


Music Education in Crisis by the National Educational Music Company 


Music Students Have a Better Chance at Finding a Job in or Related to Their Field




Playing 90 Minutes on the Drums is Equal to Playing a Pro Soccer Player or a 10K Marathon Run by the Clem Burke Drumming Project


Want a Greak Workout? Try Drums in the Chicago Tribune


Drummers Rockin’ to a Healthy Beat in the Seattle Times


Music as Medicine for Depression, Parkinson's, and Infants by the American Psychological Association


Keep Your Brain Young by Johns Hopkins Medicine


Music and Health by Harvard Health Publication at Harvard Medical School


The Psychoneuroimmunological Effects of Music: A Systematic Review and A New Model by Daisy Fancourt, Adam Ockelford, and Abi Abebech Belai


The Neurochemistry of Music by Lisa Chanda and Daniel J. Levitin in Science Direct


Scientific Literature Shows Music Can Boost Immune System And Reduce Pain by Medical Daily


Music Can Boost the Immune System, Study Finds by The Irish Times


Body in Tune: Music and the Immune System by Andrew Zannetos of Sync Project


Music Therapy for Infants in NICU by The Columbian


Life Rhythm as a Symphony of Oscillatory Patterns: Electromagnetic Energy and Sound Vibration Modulates Gene Expression for Biological Signaling and Healing by David Muehsam, PhD and Carlo Ventura, MD, PhD


How Music Lessons Can Improve Language Skills in Science Daily


Distinct Sensitivity to Spectrotemporal Modulation Supports Brain Asymmetry for Speech and Melody in Science


The Health Benefits of Music by Wellness Today


These 6 Types of Music are Known to Dramatically Improve Productivity by Entrepreneur


This is Your Brain on Music on NPR


The Importance of Music




Those with More Education and Higher Household Incomes are More Likely to Have Had Music Education




7 Ways Music Education Is the Key to Success


Ancient Solfeggio Scale by Mind Vibrations


432 Hz vs. 440 Hz Tuning Debate and How it Affects Us by Ask Audio

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